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In this 17 Page Ebook, I’ll leverage my 50,000+ hours in the Fitness trenches as a Trainer, Exercise Physiologist, and Elite Athlete to debunk 6 of the myths and “honest lies" that not only wreck your fitness, but often times lead to unnecessary injuries, and rob you of the results you need to look, feel, and function your best.
With thousands of fitness “experts” out there, and scientific studies proving whatever you want to hear, 
how do you know who and what to believe?
Does your body REALLY need:
  • Core-Stability Training to keep your back strong?
  • Heavy Weights to build muscle and bone density?
  • Flexibility training to reduce stiffness and injuries?
  • Specific Ab-Exercises to get a strong core/6-Pack?
  • Fat Burning workouts to lose belly fat & get leaner?
  • Muscle-Isolation exercises to get ripped?
that take valuable training time away from exercises that can more effectively help you get the results you need—and deserve—from every workout... 
Or are these just “honest" lies, 
Remember the now famous line in Jerry McGuire: “Did you know dogs and bees can smell fear?” It turns out they actually can detect “chemosignals” indicative of fear which trigger an appropriate behavioral response. In much the same way, your body responds in very specific ways to the physiological “stress” signals it receives from exercise.  
Here are a few of the ways your body reacts to the “smell” of lies:
1. You’re training hard, but not getting the results you deserve.
2. You’re underperforming in your sports and activities.
3. You’ve got back/neck pain, and get tweaked/injured easily. 
Check out this 60 second action video to see some of the uniquely effective exercises we use to build the 6-Pack [of Fitness] every body needs: 1. Strength at different speeds/loads/vectors 2. Stamina in all muscles—not just legs 3. Mobility in every joint 4. Muscle mass that functions optimally 5. Coordination for 3-D movements 6. Core Engine Dyna-Stability for Life & Sports.
This informationwhich has changed countless livesis not for everyone. 

Although every body will benefit from the actionable strategies, not every mind is open to new information and change. If you’re not amongst the rebels and “crazy ones”-- who loathe the status quo and are not fond of rules--you’re probably not going to like, or benefit from this Ebook. But if you’re crazy enough to think that you can consume new information that can change your world, we’re crazy enough to know we can help you look, feel, and function better… A lot better!
Dare to Train Better…The World Needs the Best Version of  Y O U ! ! !
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